Internet / Facebook / Youtube /social media Impulsive
Internet / Facebook Impulsive
"Internet / Facebook Impulsive"
One of the most interesting things that everyone can observe. If you comment on posts and pictures of girls continuously for a week then 80% of the posts in your news feed will start to be a girls show a week later.
Internet / Facebook Impulsive
Then, after a week of patience controlling your own self-commenting and liking on only the boys' posts and promoting the girls' posts, you will see 80% of the boys' posts in the news feed.
This is because Facebook unlocks our thinking about what's going on in its mind.
Internet / Facebook Impulsive
Likewise you will be interested in Islamic posts Facebook will show you that. The movie will look like it. That is, what you think Facebook will do to you is the Internet. Not all of you are well known browsers, search engine such as "Google", "Yahoo", "Baidu", "Yolo" UC ", etc. One week. Open certain types of sites will still display the same content as you open your browser, you can do this experience on "YouTube"
Internet / Facebook Impulsive
The point is to talk about what some people say and look at the posts of girls who look so shameless, it's painfully encouraging that my dearly cute sweet Facebook comments are not this dishonesty on you and Is in our brains. Be a Believer for a Week and you will also be blessed with your Facebook.
Internet / Facebook Impulsive
And this thinking and all of our society reflects that we want an Islamic system but do not become a self-motivated Muslim. They would have done so by liking the dishonesty but by liking the post of a stolen girl.
Initiate the change yourself.
Internet / Facebook / Youtube
Everything will look different and regardless of what I have seen and what I have done, I am saying that my research can be wrong so the case does not have to be complicated. You need to look at yourself
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